Feng Shui Remedies - appropriate objects for appropriate spaces!

Being a feng shui consultant or feng shui guru, means knowing the history behind objects, items and furnishings within a home, as being very important.

If you bought a romantic themed picture, from a man or women selling their belongings because of a divorce, you wouldn't want to hang it in a direction that helps you to attract the opposite sex or anywhere in your bedroom. This would be a mistake feng shui bedroom remedy which could cost you dearly.

If you were a single person looking for romance and looking for a feng shui romance remedy, it would not be wise symbolically, to have such a painting displayed in your house at all, knowing where it came from and from which circumstances, no matter how romantic the picture might be.

However if you were a lawyer that specialised in divorce, this might be a good picture to hang up in your office, as from a symbolical perspective it would help to attract more business - as an unusual but perhaps acceptable feng shui remedy, especially if the previous owner was a client you had helped through a divorce. And maybe this lawyer doesn’t want to be married.

The history of an object and the events that have surrounded it in time, become part of the magnetic energy associated with that object. The object or item "wears" the circumstances so to speak. It can influence your life whether you know about it or not, whether you believe or not.

It’s better to buy brand new objects and items as opposed to second hand or antique, unless of course you are aware of the history which surrounds it.

As a feng shui consultant, it is always important to pay attention to the detail. It is not just about the appearance of an item.


By Feng Shui Master Gabriella Central Coast NSW Sydney Australia Interstate Worldwide


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